n524= if %quit.number == 1 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <[PoweR]> Now ain't you just special
n525= if %quit.number == 2 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Moeser> have we all gone mad?
n526= if %quit.number == 3 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <SubZero> this ain't no laughing matter
n527= if %quit.number == 4 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <|DaVe|> ok, this is sucking up lotsa bandwith
n528= if %quit.number == 5 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <eve> you dont know ALL the facts
n529= if %quit.number == 6 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <dave_s> is this really the place for this?
n530= if %quit.number == 7 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <SubZero> so... what cha wanna do?
n531= if %quit.number == 8 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <|SiN|> its touch me elmo.. and he says "Get yer fucking hands off me"
n532= if %quit.number == 9 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <PuNkSter> there is no air shortage
n533= if %quit.number == 10 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Caren> are you having fun?
n534= if %quit.number == 11 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <nite> your future lies before you like a path of untrodden snow, becareful how u tread it for every mark will show
n535= if %quit.number == 12 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <kitty> Look a little closer my friend, Dance with Insainty, Share a drink with Morality, I'm a Teapot. I'm a TeaPot.
n536= if %quit.number == 13 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <WaKKi> im handling everyone elses problems and i got mine to deal with too
n537= if %quit.number == 14 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <ODYBRAT> Here's a shiny copper penny, now buy yourself a clue!
n538= if %quit.number == 15 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <ODYBRAT> The word of the day is Cloobie, can we all say that boys and girls? Cloobie
n539= if %quit.number == 16 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <fantasi> i NEED AN IRC COP!!
n540= if %quit.number == 17 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Cuddlz> and is it fun to touch elmo?
n541= if %quit.number == 18 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Weirdo> Little girl:"Mommy, may i have a hooker barbie for christmas?"
n542= if %quit.number == 19 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <MUD> i cant walk outside without slipping on my butt
n543= if %quit.number == 20 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <cowboyJR> hearded all the rain deer
n544= if %quit.number == 21 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <SweetLady> get out my grease cutter
n545= if %quit.number == 22 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <^Nameless> am I paranoid or what
n546= if %quit.number == 23 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Donnie24> It's been fun! Remember, all deliveries in the REAR
n547= if %quit.number == 24 /quit [<=ACiD=> v1.5] <Weird> gee, do I smell that bad?